When You Love First, REAL ABUNDANT Life Follows

We received an email from a woman in California. She was recently separated from her husband who has a substance abuse problem. She has 4 children with him and after the separation, found out she was pregnant with twins! Not long after this she lost her job as a general manager of a restaurant. She found herself hopeless. She was desperately struggling with…

An Amazing Journey

We saw a post on FB of a woman who was distraught because she had hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) – this is a complication of pregnancy that sends many women to the abortion clinic because of the severity of the symptoms. We reached out to her through messenger and we began communicating and found out she was 20 weeks pregnant and didn’t even have a doctor! She had been to a few, but none of them would treat her HG because they weren’t familiar with it. So, first things first…


How ProLove Ministries Blessed My Family

How ProLove Ministries Blessed My Family

My name is Megan and I am 27 years old and a single mother of four beautiful children. Nevaeh 7, Brayden 6, Layson 1 and Asher 2 weeks old. Being a single mother is a struggle especially when you do not get any support financially and physically, it can be stressful...

From a mother of 6 in South Carolina

From a mother of 6 in South Carolina

“I reached out to LoveLine in desperation. That first call, I was so broken and sad. But you took the time to listen to me and you promised to help me.I’ve been with my husband for 11 years and we have 5 children with another on the way. But he drinks…and he hits me....

Above and Beyond!

Above and Beyond!

I want to start off by saying how appreciative I am to all of you who helped me when I felt like there was no hope. I was in a really bad relationship with a man who had control of every aspect of my life. He is not the father of my children. Walking away,...

When You Love First, REAL ABUNDANT LIFE Follows

When You Love First, REAL ABUNDANT LIFE Follows

We received an email from a woman in California. She was recently separated from her husband who has a substance abuse problem. She has 4 children with him and after the separation, found out she was pregnant with twins! Not long after this she lost her job as a...

An Amazing Journey

An Amazing Journey

We saw a post on FB of a woman who was distraught because she had hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) - this is a complication of pregnancy that sends many women to the abortion clinic because of the severity of the symptoms. We reached out to her through messenger and we...

Client Experiences

“Before I found LoveLine, I was hopeless. But they made me feel like someone still cares. I would definitely recommend this service to other women because this is the best help I have ever received. I would like to see someone else get help in the same way I did.”

Sandra - Real LoveLine Client

“This organization really helped me and my baby. I didn’t know what I was going to do but you all saved us. You all made my problem your problem. You acted quickly and I really felt the love.”

Symerica - LoveLine Client

“I really want to thank you for all your help I’m so happy you took the time to help.”

Real LoveLine Client

” I found myself pregnant, scared, and I was at a loss. I had no idea what I was going to do. They made me feel like I can do this and I will be okay. If I had any problems I could always ask and I always had someone to talk to. They have provided me with help with bills, rent, moving, school clothes, therapy, and financial coaching. I now have more of a relationship with God because of LoveLine. The staff is truly amazing.”

Kimberly - Real LoveLine Client

“I had a scheduled abortion and I met a sidewalk advocate at the abortion clinic. She gave me a card for LoveLine and told me they would help with whatever I needed. I was very sad and confused, but you made me feel supported. You didn’t just support me emotionally, but financially as well. I think a lot of women are like me who are contemplating abortion and lack the support they need. I would recommend that you reach out to LoveLine. My baby is alive today because of your help. Thank you!”

Ashley - Real LoveLine Client

“I think their loyalty and the fact that they truly care is my favorite thing about LoveLine. I was pregnant, alone, and scared but my case manager made me feel comfortable and I’m so grateful. LoveLine helped me with rent and bills and vetted other resources for me in my state. I would definitely recommend them to other women who are pregnant and scared. No matter what your situation is, they will find a way to help you out.”

Mazlina - Real LoveLine Client

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